generated html version of screenrc.txtHOME

termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string "%{r WB} 時 %M %d %D %0c 窓 %w"

# the \000 is control-2, and is followed by a digraph, trigraph, etc.
# starting with = or * is the first part of a trigraph most of the time, 
# for accented cyrillic or greek respectively.
# starting with + will make a box drawing charatcer,
# with the two numbers following being the veritcal and horizontal
# axes, and 0 being none, 1 being one line coming in, 2 being
# one line out, 4 two lines.
# accented letters
bindkey -t \000A` stuff À
bindkey -t \000A\' stuff Á
bindkey -t \000A\^ stuff Â
bindkey -t \000A~ stuff Ã
bindkey -t \000A: stuff Ä
bindkey -t \000A0 stuff Å
bindkey -t \000AE stuff Æ
bindkey -t \000C, stuff Ç
bindkey -t \000E` stuff È
bindkey -t \000E\' stuff É
bindkey -t \000E\^ stuff Ê
bindkey -t \000E: stuff Ë
bindkey -t \000I` stuff Ì
bindkey -t \000I\' stuff Í
bindkey -t \000I\^ stuff Î
bindkey -t \000I: stuff Ï
bindkey -t \000DH stuff Ð
bindkey -t \000N~ stuff Ñ
bindkey -t \000O` stuff Ò
bindkey -t \000O\' stuff Ó
bindkey -t \000O\^ stuff Ô
bindkey -t \000O~ stuff Õ
bindkey -t \000O: stuff Ö
bindkey -t \000O/ stuff Ø
bindkey -t \000U` stuff Ù
bindkey -t \000U\' stuff Ú
bindkey -t \000U\^ stuff Û
bindkey -t \000U: stuff Ü
bindkey -t \000Y\' stuff Ý
bindkey -t \000TH stuff Þ
bindkey -t \000ss stuff ß
bindkey -t \000a` stuff à
bindkey -t \000a\' stuff á
bindkey -t \000a\^ stuff â
bindkey -t \000a~ stuff ã
bindkey -t \000a: stuff ä
bindkey -t \000a0 stuff å
bindkey -t \000ae stuff æ
bindkey -t \000c, stuff ç
bindkey -t \000e` stuff è
bindkey -t \000e\' stuff é
bindkey -t \000e^ stuff ê
bindkey -t \000e: stuff ë
bindkey -t \000i` stuff ì
bindkey -t \000i\' stuff í
bindkey -t \000i\^ stuff î
bindkey -t \000i: stuff ï
bindkey -t \000dh stuff ð
bindkey -t \000n~ stuff ñ
bindkey -t \000o` stuff ò
bindkey -t \000o\' stuff ó
bindkey -t \000o^ stuff ô
bindkey -t \000o~ stuff õ
bindkey -t \000o: stuff ö
bindkey -t \000o/ stuff ø
bindkey -t \000u` stuff ù
bindkey -t \000u\' stuff ú
bindkey -t \000u\^ stuff û
bindkey -t \000u: stuff ü
bindkey -t \000y\' stuff ý
bindkey -t \000th stuff þ
bindkey -t \000y: stuff ÿ
bindkey -t \000A| stuff Ā
bindkey -t \000a| stuff ā
bindkey -t \000A( stuff Ă
bindkey -t \000a( stuff ă
bindkey -t \000A, stuff Ą
bindkey -t \000a, stuff ą
bindkey -t \000C\' stuff Ć
bindkey -t \000c\' stuff ć
bindkey -t \000C\^ stuff Ĉ
bindkey -t \000c\^ stuff ĉ
bindkey -t \000C. stuff Ċ
bindkey -t \000c. stuff ċ
bindkey -t \000C< stuff Č
bindkey -t \000c< stuff č
bindkey -t \000D< stuff Ď
bindkey -t \000d\' stuff ď
bindkey -t \000D- stuff Đ
bindkey -t \000d- stuff đ
bindkey -t \000E| stuff Ē
bindkey -t \000e| stuff ē
bindkey -t \000E( stuff Ĕ
bindkey -t \000e( stuff ĕ
bindkey -t \000E. stuff Ė
bindkey -t \000e. stuff ė
bindkey -t \000E, stuff Ę
bindkey -t \000e, stuff ę
bindkey -t \000E< stuff Ě
bindkey -t \000e< stuff ě
bindkey -t \000G\^ stuff Ĝ
bindkey -t \000g\^ stuff ĝ
bindkey -t \000G( stuff Ğ
bindkey -t \000g( stuff ğ
bindkey -t \000G. stuff Ġ
bindkey -t \000g. stuff ġ
bindkey -t \000G, stuff Ģ
bindkey -t \000g, stuff ģ
bindkey -t \000H\^ stuff Ĥ
bindkey -t \000h\^ stuff ĥ
bindkey -t \000H- stuff Ħ
bindkey -t \000h- stuff ħ
bindkey -t \000I~ stuff Ĩ
bindkey -t \000i~ stuff ĩ
bindkey -t \000I| stuff Ī
bindkey -t \000i| stuff ī
bindkey -t \000I( stuff Ĭ
bindkey -t \000i( stuff ĭ
bindkey -t \000I, stuff Į
bindkey -t \000i, stuff į
bindkey -t \000I. stuff İ
bindkey -t \000i. stuff ı
bindkey -t \000IJ stuff IJ
bindkey -t \000ij stuff ij
bindkey -t \000J\^ stuff Ĵ
bindkey -t \000j\^ stuff ĵ
bindkey -t \000K, stuff Ķ
bindkey -t \000k, stuff ķ
bindkey -t \000xK stuff ĸ
bindkey -t \000L` stuff Ĺ
bindkey -t \000l` stuff ĺ
bindkey -t \000L, stuff Ļ
bindkey -t \000l, stuff ļ
bindkey -t \000L\' stuff Ľ
bindkey -t \000l\' stuff ľ
bindkey -t \000L. stuff Ŀ
bindkey -t \000l. stuff ŀ
bindkey -t \000L- stuff Ł
bindkey -t \000l- stuff ł
bindkey -t \000N\' stuff Ń
bindkey -t \000n\' stuff ń
bindkey -t \000N, stuff Ņ
bindkey -t \000n, stuff ņ
bindkey -t \000N< stuff Ň
bindkey -t \000n< stuff ň
bindkey -t \000\'n stuff ʼnŊ
bindkey -t \000ng stuff ŋ
bindkey -t \000NG stuff Ŋ
bindkey -t \000O| stuff Ō
bindkey -t \000o| stuff ō
bindkey -t \000O( stuff Ŏ
bindkey -t \000o( stuff ŏ
bindkey -t \000O\" stuff Ő
bindkey -t \000o\" stuff ő
bindkey -t \000OE stuff Œ
bindkey -t \000oe stuff œ
bindkey -t \000R\' stuff Ŕ
bindkey -t \000r\' stuff ŕ
bindkey -t \000R, stuff Ŗ
bindkey -t \000r, stuff ŗ
bindkey -t \000R< stuff Ř
bindkey -t \000r< stuff ř
bindkey -t \000S\' stuff Ś
bindkey -t \000s\' stuff ś
bindkey -t \000S\^ stuff Ŝ
bindkey -t \000s\^ stuff ŝ
bindkey -t \000S, stuff Ş
bindkey -t \000s, stuff ş
bindkey -t \000S< stuff Š
bindkey -t \000s< stuff š
bindkey -t \000T, stuff Ţ
bindkey -t \000t, stuff ţ
bindkey -t \000T< stuff Ť
bindkey -t \000t\' stuff ť
bindkey -t \000T- stuff Ŧ
bindkey -t \000t- stuff ŧ
bindkey -t \000U~ stuff Ũ
bindkey -t \000u~ stuff ũ
bindkey -t \000U| stuff Ū
bindkey -t \000u| stuff ū
bindkey -t \000U( stuff Ŭ
bindkey -t \000u( stuff ŭ
bindkey -t \000U0 stuff Ů
bindkey -t \000u0 stuff ů
bindkey -t \000U\" stuff Ű
bindkey -t \000u\" stuff ű
bindkey -t \000U, stuff Ų
bindkey -t \000u, stuff ų
bindkey -t \000W\^ stuff Ŵ
bindkey -t \000w\^ stuff ŵ
bindkey -t \000Y\^ stuff Ŷ
bindkey -t \000y\^ stuff ŷ
bindkey -t \000Y: stuff Ÿ
bindkey -t \000Z\' stuff Ź
bindkey -t \000z\' stuff ź
bindkey -t \000Z. stuff Ż
bindkey -t \000z. stuff ż
bindkey -t \000Z< stuff Ž
bindkey -t \000z< stuff ž
bindkey -t \000Ls stuff ſ
# math symbols
bindkey -t \000// stuff ÷
bindkey -t \000** stuff ×
bindkey -t \000FA stuff ∀
bindkey -t \000TX stuff ∃
bindkey -t \000NX stuff ∄ 
bindkey -t \000=< stuff ≤
bindkey -t \000>= stuff ≥
bindkey -t \000(- stuff ∈
bindkey -t \000(+ stuff ∉
bindkey -t \000/\\ stuff ∧
bindkey -t \000\\/ stuff ∨
bindkey -t \000_^ stuff ∆
bindkey -t \000-v stuff ∇
bindkey -t \000)U stuff ∩
bindkey -t \000(U stuff ∪
bindkey -t \000RT stuff √
# arrows
bindkey -t \000<- stuff ←
bindkey -t \000|\^ stuff ↑
bindkey -t \000-> stuff →
bindkey -t \000|v stuff ↓

# number forms
bindkey -t \000_0 stuff ₀
bindkey -t \000_1 stuff ₁
bindkey -t \000_2 stuff ₂
bindkey -t \000_3 stuff ₃
bindkey -t \000_4 stuff ₄
bindkey -t \000_5 stuff ₅
bindkey -t \000_6 stuff ₆
bindkey -t \000_7 stuff ₇
bindkey -t \000_8 stuff ₈
bindkey -t \000_9 stuff ₉
bindkey -t \000\^0 stuff ⁰
bindkey -t \000\^1 stuff ¹
bindkey -t \000\^2 stuff ²
bindkey -t \000\^3 stuff ³
bindkey -t \000\^4 stuff ⁴
bindkey -t \000\^5 stuff ⁵
bindkey -t \000\^6 stuff ⁶
bindkey -t \000\^7 stuff ⁷
bindkey -t \000\^8 stuff ⁸
bindkey -t \000\^9 stuff ⁹
bindkey -t \000\^n stuff ⁿ
bindkey -t \00014 stuff ¼
bindkey -t \00012 stuff ½
bindkey -t \00034 stuff ¾
bindkey -t \00017 stuff ⅐
bindkey -t \00019 stuff ⅑
bindkey -t \00010 stuff ⅒
bindkey -t \00013 stuff ⅓
bindkey -t \00023 stuff ⅔
bindkey -t \00015 stuff ⅕
bindkey -t \00025 stuff ⅖
bindkey -t \00035 stuff ⅗
bindkey -t \00045 stuff ⅘
bindkey -t \00016 stuff ⅙
bindkey -t \00056 stuff ⅚
bindkey -t \00018 stuff ⅛
bindkey -t \00038 stuff ⅜
bindkey -t \00058 stuff ⅝
bindkey -t \00078 stuff ⅞
# greek
bindkey -t \000a* stuff α
bindkey -t \000b* stuff β
bindkey -t \000g* stuff γ
bindkey -t \000d* stuff δ
bindkey -t \000e* stuff ε
bindkey -t \000z* stuff ζ
bindkey -t \000y* stuff η
bindkey -t \000h* stuff θ
bindkey -t \000i* stuff ι
bindkey -t \000k* stuff κ
bindkey -t \000l* stuff λ
bindkey -t \000m* stuff μ
bindkey -t \000n* stuff ν
bindkey -t \000c* stuff ξ
bindkey -t \000o* stuff ο
bindkey -t \000p* stuff π
bindkey -t \000r* stuff ρ
bindkey -t \000s* stuff σ
bindkey -t \000*fs stuff ς
bindkey -t \000t* stuff τ
bindkey -t \000u* stuff υ
bindkey -t \000f* stuff φ
bindkey -t \000x* stuff χ
bindkey -t \000q* stuff ψ
bindkey -t \000w* stuff ω
bindkey -t \000A* stuff Α
bindkey -t \000B* stuff Β
bindkey -t \000G* stuff Γ
bindkey -t \000D* stuff Δ
bindkey -t \000E* stuff Ε
bindkey -t \000Z* stuff Ζ
bindkey -t \000Y* stuff Η
bindkey -t \000H* stuff Θ
bindkey -t \000I* stuff Ι
bindkey -t \000K* stuff Κ
bindkey -t \000L* stuff Λ
bindkey -t \000M* stuff Μ
bindkey -t \000N* stuff Ν
bindkey -t \000C* stuff Ξ
bindkey -t \000O* stuff Ο
bindkey -t \000P* stuff Π
bindkey -t \000R* stuff Ρ
bindkey -t \000S* stuff Σ
bindkey -t \000T* stuff Τ
bindkey -t \000U* stuff Υ
bindkey -t \000F* stuff Φ
bindkey -t \000X* stuff Χ
bindkey -t \000Q* stuff Ψ
bindkey -t \000W* stuff Ω
bindkey -t \000*I: stuff Ϊ
bindkey -t \000J* stuff Ϊ
bindkey -t \000*U: stuff Ϋ
bindkey -t \000*a\' stuff ά
bindkey -t \000*e\' stuff έ
bindkey -t \000*y\' stuff ή
bindkey -t \000*E\' stuff Έ
bindkey -t \000*Y\' stuff Ή
bindkey -t \000*I\' stuff Ί
bindkey -t \000*O\' stuff Ό
bindkey -t \000*U\' stuff Ύ
bindkey -t \000*W\' stuff Ώ
bindkey -t \000*j\' stuff ΐ
bindkey -t \000*u\' stuff ΰ
bindkey -t \000*i: stuff ϊ
bindkey -t \000j* stuff ϊ
bindkey -t \000*u: stuff ϋ
bindkey -t \000*o\' stuff ό
bindkey -t \000*u\' stuff ύ
bindkey -t \000*w\' stuff ώ
bindkey -t \000A= stuff А
bindkey -t \000B= stuff Б
bindkey -t \000V= stuff В
bindkey -t \000G= stuff Г
bindkey -t \000D= stuff Д
bindkey -t \000E= stuff Е
bindkey -t \000=ZH stuff Ж
bindkey -t \000Z= stuff З
bindkey -t \000I= stuff И
bindkey -t \000J= stuff Й
bindkey -t \000K= stuff К
bindkey -t \000L= stuff Л
bindkey -t \000M= stuff М
bindkey -t \000N= stuff Н
bindkey -t \000O= stuff О
bindkey -t \000P= stuff П
bindkey -t \000R= stuff Р
bindkey -t \000S= stuff С
bindkey -t \000T= stuff Т
bindkey -t \000U= stuff У
bindkey -t \000F= stuff Ф
bindkey -t \000H= stuff Х
bindkey -t \000C= stuff Ц
bindkey -t \000=CH stuff Ч
bindkey -t \000=SH stuff Ш
bindkey -t \000=SC stuff Щ
bindkey -t \000=UR stuff Ъ
bindkey -t \000Y= stuff Ы
bindkey -t \000=IR stuff Ь
bindkey -t \000=EI stuff Э
bindkey -t \000=YU stuff Ю
bindkey -t \000=YA stuff Я
bindkey -t \000a= stuff а
bindkey -t \000b= stuff б
bindkey -t \000v= stuff в
bindkey -t \000g= stuff г
bindkey -t \000d= stuff д
bindkey -t \000e= stuff е
bindkey -t \000=zh stuff ж
bindkey -t \000z= stuff з
bindkey -t \000i= stuff и
bindkey -t \000j= stuff й
bindkey -t \000k= stuff к
bindkey -t \000l= stuff л
bindkey -t \000m= stuff м
bindkey -t \000n= stuff н
bindkey -t \000o= stuff о
bindkey -t \000p= stuff п
bindkey -t \000r= stuff р
bindkey -t \000s= stuff с
bindkey -t \000t= stuff т
bindkey -t \000y= stuff у
bindkey -t \000f= stuff ф
bindkey -t \000h= stuff х
bindkey -t \000c= stuff ц
bindkey -t \000=ch stuff ч
bindkey -t \000=sh stuff ш
bindkey -t \000=sc stuff щ
bindkey -t \000=ur stuff ъ
bindkey -t \000y= stuff ы
bindkey -t \000=ir stuff ь
bindkey -t \000=ei stuff э
bindkey -t \000=yu stuff ю
bindkey -t \000=ya stuff я
# Katakana
bindkey -t \000La stuff ァ
bindkey -t \000Aa stuff ア
bindkey -t \000Li stuff ィ
bindkey -t \000Ii stuff イ
bindkey -t \000Lu stuff ゥ
bindkey -t \000Uu stuff ウ
bindkey -t \000Le stuff ェ
bindkey -t \000Ee stuff エ
bindkey -t \000Lo stuff ォ
bindkey -t \000Oo stuff オ
bindkey -t \000Ka stuff カ
bindkey -t \000Ga stuff ガ
bindkey -t \000Ki stuff キ
bindkey -t \000Gi stuff ギ
bindkey -t \000Ku stuff ク
bindkey -t \000Gu stuff グ
bindkey -t \000Ke stuff ケ
bindkey -t \000Ge stuff ゲ
bindkey -t \000Ko stuff コ
bindkey -t \000Go stuff ゴ
bindkey -t \000Sa stuff サ
bindkey -t \000Za stuff ザ
bindkey -t \000Si stuff シ
bindkey -t \000Zi stuff ジ
bindkey -t \000Su stuff ス
bindkey -t \000Zu stuff ズ
bindkey -t \000Se stuff セ
bindkey -t \000Ze stuff ゼ
bindkey -t \000So stuff ソ
bindkey -t \000Zo stuff ゾ
bindkey -t \000Ta stuff タ
bindkey -t \000Da stuff ダ
bindkey -t \000Ti stuff チ
bindkey -t \000Di stuff ヂ
bindkey -t \000Tt stuff ッ
bindkey -t \000Tu stuff ツ
bindkey -t \000Du stuff ヅ
bindkey -t \000Te stuff テ
bindkey -t \000De stuff デ
bindkey -t \000To stuff ト
bindkey -t \000Do stuff ド
bindkey -t \000Na stuff ナ
bindkey -t \000Ni stuff ニ
bindkey -t \000Nu stuff ヌ
bindkey -t \000Ne stuff ネ
bindkey -t \000No stuff ノ
bindkey -t \000Ha stuff ハ
bindkey -t \000Ba stuff バ
bindkey -t \000Pa stuff パ
bindkey -t \000Hi stuff ヒ
bindkey -t \000Bi stuff ビ
bindkey -t \000Pi stuff ピ
bindkey -t \000Fu stuff フ
bindkey -t \000Bu stuff ブ
bindkey -t \000Pu stuff プ
bindkey -t \000He stuff ヘ
bindkey -t \000Be stuff ベ
bindkey -t \000Pe stuff ペ
bindkey -t \000Ho stuff ホ
bindkey -t \000Bo stuff ボ
bindkey -t \000Po stuff ポ
bindkey -t \000Ma stuff マ
bindkey -t \000Mi stuff ミ
bindkey -t \000Mu stuff ム
bindkey -t \000Me stuff メ
bindkey -t \000Mo stuff モ
bindkey -t \000Ja stuff ャ
bindkey -t \000Ya stuff ヤ
bindkey -t \000Ju stuff ュ
bindkey -t \000Yu stuff ユ
bindkey -t \000Jo stuff ョ
bindkey -t \000Yo stuff ヨ
bindkey -t \000Ra stuff ラ
bindkey -t \000Ri stuff リ
bindkey -t \000Ru stuff ル
bindkey -t \000Re stuff レ
bindkey -t \000Ro stuff ロ
bindkey -t \000Ua stuff ヮ
bindkey -t \000Wa stuff ワ
bindkey -t \000Wi stuff ヰ
bindkey -t \000We stuff ヱ
bindkey -t \000Wo stuff ヲ
bindkey -t \000Nn stuff ン
bindkey -t \000Vu stuff ヴ
bindkey -t \000Qa stuff ヵ
bindkey -t \000Qe stuff ヶ
bindkey -t \000Va stuff ヷ
bindkey -t \000Vi stuff ヸ
bindkey -t \000Ve stuff ヹ
bindkey -t \000Vo stuff ヺ
# Hiragana
bindkey -t \000lA stuff ぁ
bindkey -t \000aA stuff あ
bindkey -t \000lI stuff ぃ
bindkey -t \000iI stuff い
bindkey -t \000lU stuff ぅ
bindkey -t \000uU stuff う
bindkey -t \000lE stuff ぇ
bindkey -t \000eE stuff え
bindkey -t \000lO stuff ぉ
bindkey -t \000oO stuff お
bindkey -t \000kA stuff か
bindkey -t \000gA stuff が
bindkey -t \000kI stuff き
bindkey -t \000gI stuff ぎ
bindkey -t \000kU stuff く
bindkey -t \000gU stuff ぐ
bindkey -t \000kE stuff け
bindkey -t \000gE stuff げ
bindkey -t \000kO stuff こ
bindkey -t \000gO stuff ご
bindkey -t \000sA stuff さ
bindkey -t \000zA stuff ざ
bindkey -t \000sI stuff し
bindkey -t \000zI stuff じ
bindkey -t \000sU stuff す
bindkey -t \000zU stuff ず
bindkey -t \000sE stuff せ
bindkey -t \000zE stuff ぜ
bindkey -t \000sO stuff そ
bindkey -t \000zO stuff ぞ
bindkey -t \000tA stuff た
bindkey -t \000dA stuff だ
bindkey -t \000tI stuff ち
bindkey -t \000dI stuff ぢ
bindkey -t \000tT stuff っ
bindkey -t \000tU stuff つ
bindkey -t \000dU stuff づ
bindkey -t \000tE stuff て
bindkey -t \000dE stuff で
bindkey -t \000tO stuff と
bindkey -t \000dO stuff ど
bindkey -t \000nA stuff な
bindkey -t \000nI stuff に
bindkey -t \000nU stuff ぬ
bindkey -t \000nE stuff ね
bindkey -t \000nO stuff の
bindkey -t \000hA stuff は
bindkey -t \000bA stuff ば
bindkey -t \000pA stuff ぱ
bindkey -t \000hI stuff ひ
bindkey -t \000bI stuff び
bindkey -t \000pI stuff ぴ
bindkey -t \000hU stuff ふ
bindkey -t \000bU stuff ぶ
bindkey -t \000pU stuff ぷ
bindkey -t \000hE stuff へ
bindkey -t \000bE stuff べ
bindkey -t \000pE stuff ぺ
bindkey -t \000hO stuff ほ
bindkey -t \000bO stuff ぼ
bindkey -t \000pO stuff ぽ
bindkey -t \000mA stuff ま
bindkey -t \000mI stuff み
bindkey -t \000mU stuff む
bindkey -t \000mE stuff め
bindkey -t \000mO stuff も
bindkey -t \000jA stuff ゃ
bindkey -t \000yA stuff や
bindkey -t \000jU stuff ゅ
bindkey -t \000yU stuff ゆ
bindkey -t \000jO stuff ょ
bindkey -t \000yO stuff よ
bindkey -t \000rA stuff ら
bindkey -t \000rI stuff り
bindkey -t \000rU stuff る
bindkey -t \000rE stuff れ
bindkey -t \000rO stuff ろ
bindkey -t \000uA stuff ゎ
bindkey -t \000wA stuff わ
bindkey -t \000wI stuff ゐ
bindkey -t \000wE stuff ゑ
bindkey -t \000wO stuff を
bindkey -t \000nN stuff ん
bindkey -t \000vU stuff ゔ
bindkey -t \000qA stuff ゕ
bindkey -t \000qE stuff ゖ
#box drawing
bindkey -t \000+03 stuff │
bindkey -t \000+13 stuff ┤
bindkey -t \000+53 stuff ╡
bindkey -t \000+17 stuff ╢
bindkey -t \000+16 stuff ╖
bindkey -t \000+52 stuff ╕
bindkey -t \000+57 stuff ╣
bindkey -t \000+07 stuff ║
bindkey -t \000+56 stuff ╗
bindkey -t \000+55 stuff ╝
bindkey -t \000+15 stuff ╜
bindkey -t \000+51 stuff ╛
bindkey -t \000+12 stuff ┐
bindkey -t \000+21 stuff └
bindkey -t \000+31 stuff ┴
bindkey -t \000+32 stuff ┬
bindkey -t \000+23 stuff ├
bindkey -t \000+30 stuff ─
bindkey -t \000+33 stuff ┼
bindkey -t \000+63 stuff ╞
bindkey -t \000+27 stuff ╟
bindkey -t \000+65 stuff ╚
bindkey -t \000+66 stuff ╔
bindkey -t \000+75 stuff ╩
bindkey -t \000+76 stuff ╦
bindkey -t \000+67 stuff ╠
bindkey -t \000+70 stuff ═
bindkey -t \000+77 stuff ╬
bindkey -t \000+71 stuff ╧
bindkey -t \000+35 stuff ╨
bindkey -t \000+72 stuff ╤
bindkey -t \000+36 stuff ╥
bindkey -t \000+61 stuff ╙
bindkey -t \000+16 stuff ╘
bindkey -t \000+62 stuff ╒
bindkey -t \000+26 stuff ╓
bindkey -t \000+37 stuff ╫
bindkey -t \000+73 stuff ╪
bindkey -t \000+11 stuff ┘
bindkey -t \000+22 stuff ┌