2021 343rd day. There are many proposals for far-reaching spelling reforms that would change the spelling of every word in the English language. There are even at least two proposals for replacing the use of the Latin alphabet with a new one made just for the English language. However, these proposals are unlikely to get much traction, because of the vast "installed base" of English books, websites, and so on that use the version of English spelling that was standardized around the 17th century. I have a more simple proposal: A list of 40 words that we could start spelling in a better way, without disturbing the edifice of English orthography too much. I call it "spelling reform wun" as it is inspired by Douglas Crockford's choice to spell the number one as wun in a book of his that I read recently. The first category of words that we could spell in a better way are "one" and its derivative "once", as well as "son", "done", "does", "was", and "of". In each of these the vowel is a short "u" and should be spelled as such. Thus, wun, wunce, sunn, dunn, duz, wuz, and uv. The second category consists of common words where a final E is written but doesn't make the vowel long. These are "give", "have", "are", "were", "where", and "there". The new spellings are giv, hav, arr, werr, whair, thair. The third and fourth categories are both sets of words with "gh". In the third category are words where "gh" is pronounced like an "f". That is, "laugh", "tough", "rough", "enough", "cough". These should be spelled laff, tuff, ruff, enuff, coff. The fourth category is the largest and contains words with a silent "gh". That is, "bought", "brought" "caught", "dough", "drought", "fought", "ought", "sought", "taught", "though", "thought", "through", "thorough". To be spelled as: baut, braut, caut, doh, drout, faut, aut, saut, taut, tho, thaut, thru, thurro. The fifth category consists of common words with a silent letter. These are: "doubt", "debt", "island", "would", "should", "could". To be spelled as: dout, dett, iland, wudd, shudd, cudd. Miscellanea: "great" -> grait, "four" -> forr, "weird" -> weerd. If we cudd fix these 40 words' spellings, then it wudd go a grait way toward a more consistent spelling system for English. one -> wun were -> wer thorough -> thurro caught -> caut once -> wunce where -> whair dough -> doh doubt -> dout done -> dunn there -> thair bought -> baut debt -> dett does -> duz laugh -> laff fought -> faut island -> iland son -> sunn tough -> tuff sought -> saut would -> wudd of -> uv rough -> ruff ought -> aut could -> cudd was -> wuz enough enuff brought -> braut should -> shudd give -> giv cough -> coff thought -> thaut four -> forr have -> hav though -> tho drought -> drout great -> grait are -> ar through -> thru taught -> taut weird -> weerd p.s. also "naught" -> naut, "fraught" -> fraut, "wrought" -> wraut